10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
-Ephesians 6:10-11
Are you ON GUARD?
We’re in a SPIRITUAL WAR, and being war ready is essential for the (E.P.I.C.)EVERYDAY PERSON IN CHRIST. Encouraging SOUND DOCTRINE and understanding God’s word.
When we hear this phrase, “deny yourself,” some of us only hear how much we have to lose. Truth is, we don’t want to let go of things that we think have become parts of who we are.
But there is a GREATER that awaits. And I mean greater than ANY of us can imagine!
Following Jesus DOES REQUIRE ALL OF US (Make sure to read that again). But this is so that we can be FILLED with His HOLY SPIRIT!!
Let’s walk with God, deny yourself.
The Ultimate Life Choice
It all begins with an idea.
“Matthew 16:24-27 - Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.”
Today I declare that I’m going to the NBA…….hmmmmm…….well what does that really mean? Does that declare me to the NBA? Do I even “have what it takes” to be a player? Let’s look at what really consists of this LIFE CHOICE
1 It’s NOT immediate
-When I say that I’m going to the NBA today, should I be expecting Greg Popovich or Derek Fisher to call me in the morning? NO! Even deeper than that, am I in NBA League shape? Goodness NO!! Just because I say that I’m going to the NBA, doesn’t make you have a ‘pokemon-like evolution’ on the spot into the next Lebron James.
2. It’s a PROCESS
-Well let’s look at some of the key things in being in the NBA
A knowledge of the rules
You have to know how to play FIRST OF ALL. You also have to know all the do’s-and-don’ts of Basketball. What are the fouls? How points are tallied? And so so so much more….
Good state of health and fitness
As a basketball player, you have to do a great deal of running!!! Like back and forth, repeatedly for a long time!
Good amount of strength and speed
It’s all about being the fastest, and the strongest (because it’s not ‘supposed’ to be a contact sport, but….yeah..it’s a contact sport) It also helps your case if you are a great jumper, agile, awareness, etc.
For MYSELF, while I feel I know the basis of basketball I am a LONG ways away from being in shape! So if I plan to put my LIFE CHOICE into action, I need to start making some actions. I need to start reading the rulebook. I need to start running. I need to get in a gym and start reforming my body to FIT my LIFE CHOICE.
-Once you figure out what is now stacked on your plate, how will you go about it? Will you be stopped dead in your tracks once your road starts to get dark? Do you think you could pick yourself up if this road begins to get a little steep? What if the training gets too intense? What if they say you aren’t strong enough or fast enough? Will you let that stop you or will you start working on those things to get better? Once people’s eyes are open to the fact that these roads that LOOK like ‘easy streets’ are really long, dark, and challenging; A GREAT DEAL of people will begin to back out. These roads ARE MADE to test you! How can we expect grand rewards WITHOUT enduring grand challenges? If you want to be a diamond, you have to endure A LOT of pressure!!
And while I state that these three can be seen as fact logically, maybe the most important factor to add is that…
-The BIGGEST thing that messes people up when venturing down a LIFE CHOICE is trying to imitate SOMEONE ELSE’S PROCESS! No one will have the SAME road! Some roads will be very difficult, while some roads may not present the same difficulties and may seem lighter.
For instance; I’m going to use myself in this example. I’m currently 315lbs (although I proudly don’t look it) I don’t exercise too often, but I can find my way to a basketball court once in a while and play a couple of games…at least with actual energy. But although my endurance fails me sometimes, I DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY BASKETBALL, and sometimes I look quite well doing it:
If I (being currently overweight) and someone who is a 100lbs lighter thoroughbred athlete is going down the same road, I would have more to overcome. I would have to lose all the unnecessary weight while replacing it with muscle. While with this athlete already in shape, he doesn’t have that obstacle.
Another twist would be, while I have much to work on physically; I already have a well based knowledge on the game of basketball. The athlete, however, doesn’t necessarily know much about the rules of basketball. So while he avoids some obstacles, he is confronted with more mental obstacles that I can avoid.
I can’t look toward the athlete to imitate his process because he’s not dealing with my obstacles, the same vice versa…
I use this scenario because this is how devoting your life to Christ is, and how it is misconstrued. Some people believe that once you start declaring your life to Christ that the doors of heaven will open and God will shine down on you with a Godly ‘thumbs up’…then all your troubles will go away and you’ll always be happy and everyday will be sunshine and rainbows. And as much as I would love that, it doesn’t work like that. Just like the NBA there’s a rulebook that you need to learn and grow understanding from. - 2 Timothy 3: 16-17 - All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
You have to reshape your actions not SOLELY for YOUR body, but for the BODY OF CHRIST. -Romans 12: 2 - And be not conformed to this world: but be he transformed by the renewing of your mind, that he may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Every NBA legend has something about them that stands out. There are many players who can play, but the gifted ones know you can’t receive different things, if you act along with the crowd.
And most importantly, you have to CONTINUE to DO! You have to be able to use all that you have and learn. Just having the talent and ability is meaningless (or dead) if you don’t USE it (works) -James 2: 26 - For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
When you declare your faith you won’t be instantly transformed into a priest, it’s about GROWING into your new being.
There WILL be difficulties. In the Bible (1 Peter 5: 8-11) it says how the devil is ready to work you away from your new-found faith, and other believers are suffering as well. Not only is this LIFE CHOICE gaining your ticket to a whole new world, it is enrolling against the enemy. The devil will try even harder now to put you through as much suffering because he’s trying to make you second guess your choice. In the book of Job, Satan asked God could he torture Job. Why? Because he was trying to show God that Job only loves God because he was receiving. That Job will turn from God if he starts to suffer greatly. EVEN Jesus (the Son of God) was bothered and tempted by the devil after he was baptized, so know he’ll be coming for us. The Devil used to be where you’re trying to go, he used to be an angel. BUT!!!! The Devil felt as though he could create a “better heaven” (Ezekiel 28:11-19) (Isaiah 14:12-20) so after a battle in the heavens, Satan and his minions were banished from the kingdom of God. So what’s left for him to do? He now wants as many people as possible to seem unfit to enter the kingdom, like he is. He wants you to be sent away like he was so long ago.
The Ultimate Choice is definitely not as easy one. There is a process for everything. Sometimes the best road isn’t the easiest, but like the old saying goes: “If it was easy, everyone would do it.” You have to be willing to take the road less traveled. You have to be able to make it through the clear paths as well as the stormy waters. LIFE CHOICES like these require major dedication, and even greater sacrifice. You have to put in the effort, the focus, the dedication, to WANT to change. Are you willing to take this challenge? Are you willing to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
You know what makes coming to God different than so many of the life choices? YOU DON’T NEED ANY REQUIREMENTS! If I were to go to an NBA facility an announce my desire to join, they’ll probably laugh at me because of my shortcomings to their Professional standards. If you try to take on any opportunity that requires signing or being a part of an organization, they will analyze you to see if you are what they are looking for. Job interviews ask for your history of work to see if you're capable of doing what they need you to do. And if you don’t meet their standards, they can and will reject you UNTIL you first become what they need. GOD is NOT LIKE THAT! God doesn’t have any requirements for those who haven't truly met or known Him. Who you are is exactly what he wants! Jesus Christ loves you; and wants you to fully commit to Him. Not like a part time job, not like a side chick; he wants ALL of you and your love, full time. I read this online; God wants full custody, not just weekend visits.
This LIFE Choice is a hard road! I can’t stress that enough. Jesus tells us that we will suffer persecution just for loving Him, but we know that like any Life Choice, to achieve more means you have to go through more! 1) It's not immediate. 2)It's a process. 3) Be devoted. 4) Everyone's process is different. THERE IS ONE MORE THING TO REMEMBER! 5) DON’T GO BACK!! Any great player consistently worked hard to get better ALL THE TIME! Michael Jordan, Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, all worked to get better, Never Going Back. You don’t need anything to get to Him; but all He wants is your love to come and dedicate your life to Him, in the way that He gave His life for you.
The CHOICE Is Yours
-This was a sermon of mine from 2016